Public Address (PA) systems and VA (Voice Alarm) systems provide a simple & effective means of direct contact with passengers or visitors leading to emergency evacuation or emergency information delivery. Pre-recorded emergency messages are delivered with simple & concise information that people can understand and react to quickly and safely.
Research has shown that over 75% of people reacted to PAVA rather than bells or alarms (13%) Evacuation is improved with the aid of clear and focussed voice alarms instructing people to evacuate and more importantly, how & where.
Benefits of PAVA Systems:
- People react more quickly to a voice message than to a bell or sounder.
- suitable for buildings of all sizes, from the smallest business premises to transport hubs and large public access buildings
- Cost-effective at any level, they can be custom-built and adapted to complex sites that may benefit from phased evacuation procedures and IP connectivity.
- day to day this technology operates like an advanced PA system, carrying background music and announcements. Yet in an emergency the system kicks in to broadcast appropriate spoken messages, directing people to safe exits.
- firefighters can easily use an emergency microphone to make their own announcements to ensure a quick and safe evacuation.
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Put your ideas into action and make use of different reliable brands (ASL , Amperes) in different areas for your smart home or workplace. We know there is no accounting for tastes!