Health Safety Security & Environment
HSSE Policy
AHC is a professional and safety-conscious organization that values the effective management of health, safety, and welfare throughout all stages of a project. We believe that all accidents, incidents and work-related ill health are preventable and we manage our business with this aim. The clear objective is to minimize harm to persons and property by adopting a proactive approach to effective risk and safety management.
HSSE Commitment
AHC is committed to ensuring all of our employees, contractors and partners return home to their loved-ones BETTER than when they arrived at work.
HSSE Workplace Environment
I will use my knowledge, awareness and attitude to make me a safe employee. I will properly use personal protective equipment, procedures, equipment and materials to ensure my safety. I will ensure my environment, building and job site are prepared and maintained to ensure my co-workers and I are safe.
HSSE Policy
AHC is a professional and safety-conscious organization that values the effective management of health, safety, and welfare throughout all stages of a project. We believe that all accidents, incidents and work-related ill health are preventable and we manage our business with this aim. The clear objective is to minimize harm to persons and property by adopting a proactive approach to effective risk and safety management. All work will be carried out in accordance with best practice, to the relevant statutory provisions with all reasonably practicable measures being taken to avoid risk to employees or others that may be affected.
Site management will contribute to the continuous improvement of safety, health, and environmental performance. Individual employees each have a responsibility to participate in and contribute to the improvement of health and safety performance.
As an absolute minimum, we will comply with all national regulations but in addition, we set our own demanding internal corporate standards on matters relating to safety, health, and the environment and endeavor to comply with them throughout our international operations.
Company name will take all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks are identified and that suitable and effective preventative and control measures are implemented.
We will continue to innovate in order to improve our processes so that their effect on safety, health and the environment is reduced.
We will continue to improve communication and the exchange of views with employees, employee representatives, customers, contractors, suppliers, neighbors, and any other individual or organization affected by our business.
The operation of this policy and the associated procedures will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they remain current and applicable to company name activities.
HSSE Commitment
AHC recognizes that an essential factor in its business success is the emphasis it places on Health, Safety, and Environment (HSSE). HSSE is a fundamental element in all our business activities and an integral part of service delivery workflows from all levels of employees and contractors. AHC’s leaders are responsible and accountable for driving a strong HSSE culture by ensuring effective implementation of our standards.
There is nothing more important than the safety of our employees, so operational excellence begins with safety leadership across all levels of the organization. As such, all employees are fully empowered and responsible to stop any work activity if they observe unsafe acts or conditions.We will demonstrate our HSSE commitment by:
- Setting clear HSSE objectives and measurable, progressive targets as part of our business performance, and monitoring performance for continuous improvements;
- Identifying, managing, and mitigating environmental risks, including the risks associated with climate change;
- Driving HSSE behaviors with a “no defects” mindset, and rewarding outstanding HSSE performance and initiatives;
- Eliminating HSSE events and accidents with a strong reporting culture and effective investigation of near-misses;
- Training our workforce on our HSSE standards to increase awareness of HSSE risks and prevention methods;
- Effectively communicating with our stakeholders our HSSE policies, standards, programs and performance;
- Protecting the health, safety and security of our workforce at all times;
- Meeting international, national and customer standards and requirements;
- Protecting the environment through responsible planning, and providing solutions aimed at decreasing the environmental impact of our business.
- Ensuring HSSE considerations are factored into the design, engineering, and deployment our services and products; and
- Maintaining an updated response plan to minimize the effect of any emergency, business disruption, or crisis.
HSSE Workplace Environment
Employees are expected to perform a self-test every day before they start working, or before they take up new work, for possible HSSE hazards. The work may be started only when all conditions seen as unsafe in accordance with the safety rules have been brought under control.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) on construction sites manufacture and assembly areas:
- Safety shoes with steel toe-caps (on construction sites ankle-high and with puncture- resistant soles)
- Safety helmet is obligatory to wear on all construction sites, assembly sites and deep drilling sites, as well as for all other activities for which the local risk assessments set this requirement !
- High visibility vests (on construction sites, assembly sites and deep drilling sites, according to the local standards)
- Safety glasses (according to the local risk assessment)
- Wearing suitable safety glasses is obligatory while welding and flexing work and other machining activities.
Electrical power
- No repair work on equipment carrying live electric current!
- Before starting work: “Disconnect equipment from the mains – switch off and tag” (Lock Out – Tag Out)
- Adequate training
- Protect switches against exposure to elements
- Check electrical systems and equipment for visible damage before every use
- Dispose of damaged equipment immediately
Working at heights
- Fall protection at work places with a height of 2.00 m or more.
- Only the equipment allowed as per local standards may be used
- Safety harness is not required on portable ladders if the employee has three-point contact with the ladder. All ladders have to be erected on stable surface Confined spaces
Confined spaces
- Mark confined spaces and develop and implement appropriate procedures for accessing them.
Dangerous power systems
- In case of hazardous power sources, make sure the power level is zero and mark with a tag before starting work (Lock out Tag Out)!
- Implement and follow all safety-related procedures for working with electrical, mechanical,
hydraulic or pneumatic equipment Motor vehicles
- Newly acquired or leased vehicles must be equipped with safety belts for driver, co-driver and rear-seat passengers. The belts must be kept fastened all the time during the drive.
Training / Instructions
- Employees must receive thorough instructions in HSSE every year (at construction sites and in workshops, minimum of 10 hours including Toolbox meetings)
- Instructions are to be documented and signed by the attendees
- New employees in workshops or on construction sites are to receive detailed instructions on HSSE-relevant aspects before they start their work
- External service providers are to be immediately upon their arrival Tests
- Equipment and devices must be checked at regular intervals. These tests are to be documented.
Alcohol and drugs
- Consumption of any type of drugs or alcohol is prohibited in all company areas and sites
- No employee (or subcontractor commissioned) is allowed to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs and narcotics while performing his work
- Transport routes must be marked clearly and must be kept free of tripping hazards!
- It is to be ensured that working sites are safe for employees, subcontractors and third parties
- sufficiently tested equipment for fire-fighting (fire extinguishers) must be provided
- First aid chain/contingency plan must be drawn up and visibly displayed
- sufficient first aid kits at designated locations
- Risk zones are to be marked
- At least 5 meter distance from electrical aerial lines
- Where applicable, clearance of contamination, hazardous substances and weapons by the client is to be ensured.